Tuesday, September 26, 2017

What it does:
1. Aids the cardiovascular system.
2. Aids nerve and muscle functions.
3. Needed for calcium and vitamin C metabolism.
Best sources: Figs, apples, grapefruits, lemons, seeds, nuts, yellow corn and dark green vegetables.
Supplement: (300 to 400 mg. daily) Grow Taller Secrets

Note: If you live in area with hard drinking water, or consume large amounts of nuts,seeds and green vegetables, you're probably getting sufficient amounts of magnesium.

What it does:
1. Aids growth.
2. Provides energy.
Best sources: Fish, poultry, eggs, meats, nuts, seeds and whole grains.Supplement: (RDA is 800 to 1200 mg per day for adults)
Note: Most diets already include adequate amounts of phosphorus or "phosphates" in t them, so check before taking a supplement. Other important minerals are:

POTASSIUM Sources include; citrus fruits, watercress, bananas, potatoes and green vegetables. SODIUM Sources include; salt, shellfish, carrots, beets, bacon and kidney. SULFUR Sources include; lean beef, fish eggs, cabbage and dried beans.ZINC Sources include; steak, eggs, lamb chops, brewer's yeast and pumpkin seeds.

Everyone's protein requirements are different, depending upon your size, age and physical condition. A large, young person will require more protein than a small, older person. Proteins have different functions, and work in different areas of the body. There are basically two types of Protein ? complete and incomplete protein.

1. Complete Protein – provides the proper balance of eight necessary amino acids that build tissues, and are found in foods of animal organ such as meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, milk and cheese.

2. Incomplete Protein – lacks certain essential amino acids and is not used efficiently when eaten alone. However, when it is combined with small amounts of animal source proteins,it becomes complete. It is found in seeds, nuts, peas, grains and beans.

Note: Mixing complete and incomplete proteins can give you better nutritional value than either
one alone.

WATER – basic solvent for all the products of digestion. It is essential for removing waste from
our bodies and 6 to 8 glasses daily is considered healthy.
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