Monday, September 25, 2017

10. Double Forward Bend
The Double Forward Bend puts resistance on both your back and your hamstrings. This pressure pulls your spine, which stretches your entire spinal column and accelerates decompression which is how to become taller naturally. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your hands on your hips. Stretch your arms out in front of you and bend forward as you try to touch your toes. Although you may not be able to touch your toes at first, doing this stretch regularly will make your body more flexible and you will soon find that you can easily grab your toes.This increased flexibility is a major step to becoming taller. You will want to repeat this move 5 times using both hands. Next, spread your feet apart a few inches
and then stretch by alternating one hand at a time, touching your right foot with your left hand and your left foot with your right hand. You should also repeat this stretch with each hand at least 5 times.

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