Monday, September 25, 2017

 1. Hanging

One of the biggest obstacles to growing taller is gravity. You spend most of your
day in an upright, vertical position. All day long gravity compresses your spine and
joints, which squeezes and thins the cartilage and makes you shorter.
However, it is easy to counteract this affect
through a simple hanging exercise because
it lets the weight of your lower torso stretchyour spine and reduce the tension between
your vertebrae. In fact, hanging has been
known to increase a person’s height by one to
two inches.
You will want to have a horizontal bar that
is high enough so that your body can fully
extend. If your body cannot fully extend, then
bend your knees slightly until you hang freely.
When you grasp the bar, make sure your palms
are facing away from you and your thumbs are
almost touching.
While you are hanging, try to keep your arms,
shoulders, and hips are relaxed as possible. This helps gravity pull on your body
even further. Try to hang for at least 20 seconds and repeat the process when you
are able to grip the bar again.
You should also repeat this exercise a minimum of three times. Also, if you wear
ankle weights while hanging you will get an increased benefit.

8:30 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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