Monday, September 25, 2017

8. Downward Facing Dog
Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, this yoga-based maneuver is one of the great ways to increase height through stretching and increase your body’s flexibility. You will want to begin this exercise by getting down on your hands and knees. Your legs should be shoulder width apart and your fingers straight forward.
Position your elbows so that your inner arm is pointing away from you. Take a deep breath and curl your toes as if you were trying to stand on your toes. Then straighten your legs as you exhale and push your arms upward. Ideally, you want to push so that your spine is lengthening. Make sure your legs stay straight and
your feet firmly on the floor. If you need to bend your legs at first, that is okay. However, you will want to
stretch yourself further and further each time until your legs stay straight. Also, keep your shoulders flat and distribute your weight evenly to add the resistance on your spine. You should remain in that position for several deep breaths and then repeat the entire movement several more times

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