Monday, September 25, 2017

5. Trikonasana
Also called the Triangle, is the second yoga exercise we will discuss. This is slightly more advanced than the Sukhasana. It will help improve your balance and therefore help you have good posture. Also, it is a very
good exercise to use if you want to center yourself and relieve tension.To begin, stand up with your legs about 3 to 4 feet apart and your feet parallel to one another.Then, rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left
and your right foot 45 degrees inward. Inhale and raise your arms to the side so that they are level and parallel to the floor. Exhale and turn your head to face down the length of your left arm and check that your
left knee is lined up with your left ankle. Take one deep breath and then stretch towards your left ankle while you tilt your left hip down.Once you have reached your maximum stretch, rotate your arms so that your
left hand can now rest against the inside of your calf and your right arm points towards the ceiling.
Turn your head so that you are looking in the direction of your right arm and take several deep breaths. Then, inhale and straighten your body followed by an exhale as you lower your arms to your hips.
Pivot on your heels and face forward once more. Then, repeat this movement on the right side of your body.

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