Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Improving Posture for More Height
Before we go into the more intricate phases of our program let's touch first upon a more simple solution ?for obtaining your maximum height ? posture correction. Many people rob themselves of extra height because they fail to realize that a good posture is essential for maximum height increase. Correct posture involves more than just standing straight and erect. You must train each part of your body to maintain its proper position. You must learn how to hold your head, your pelvis, your legs, sit correctly, walk correctly, plus numerous other do's and don'ts to assure you of achieving every possible inch of height.

The pelvis acts as a lever and directly influences our posture and stature. When the pelvis is carried too far forward, the condition is termed a “Milted Pelvis”. This condition directly robs you of extra height and is generally the result of a person with lack of stomach muscles and who usually has a large stomach. (We've designed several exercises included in chapters 5 and 6 to strengthen stomach
muscles and remedy this condition). Persons with weak knee Joints often have this condition which is also remedied by exercises 

10:29 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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What it does:
1. Aids the cardiovascular system.
2. Aids nerve and muscle functions.
3. Needed for calcium and vitamin C metabolism.
Best sources: Figs, apples, grapefruits, lemons, seeds, nuts, yellow corn and dark green vegetables.
Supplement: (300 to 400 mg. daily) Grow Taller Secrets

Note: If you live in area with hard drinking water, or consume large amounts of nuts,seeds and green vegetables, you're probably getting sufficient amounts of magnesium.

What it does:
1. Aids growth.
2. Provides energy.
Best sources: Fish, poultry, eggs, meats, nuts, seeds and whole grains.Supplement: (RDA is 800 to 1200 mg per day for adults)
Note: Most diets already include adequate amounts of phosphorus or "phosphates" in t them, so check before taking a supplement. Other important minerals are:

POTASSIUM Sources include; citrus fruits, watercress, bananas, potatoes and green vegetables. SODIUM Sources include; salt, shellfish, carrots, beets, bacon and kidney. SULFUR Sources include; lean beef, fish eggs, cabbage and dried beans.ZINC Sources include; steak, eggs, lamb chops, brewer's yeast and pumpkin seeds.

Everyone's protein requirements are different, depending upon your size, age and physical condition. A large, young person will require more protein than a small, older person. Proteins have different functions, and work in different areas of the body. There are basically two types of Protein ? complete and incomplete protein.

1. Complete Protein – provides the proper balance of eight necessary amino acids that build tissues, and are found in foods of animal organ such as meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, milk and cheese.

2. Incomplete Protein – lacks certain essential amino acids and is not used efficiently when eaten alone. However, when it is combined with small amounts of animal source proteins,it becomes complete. It is found in seeds, nuts, peas, grains and beans.

Note: Mixing complete and incomplete proteins can give you better nutritional value than either
one alone.

WATER – basic solvent for all the products of digestion. It is essential for removing waste from
our bodies and 6 to 8 glasses daily is considered healthy.
10:25 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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Minerals are an organic substance found naturally in the earth. They make up a large part of our bones and teeth and help regulating other body functions. Here are some of the. minerals to which you should pay special attention. Grow Taller Secrets


What it does:
1. Aid for strengthening soft bones and teeth.
2. Helps maintain regular heartbeat.
Best sources: Milk and dairy products, sardines, soybeans,. dried beans,green vegetables.
Supplement: (600 to 1500 mg per day)


What it does:
1. Aids in growth process.
2. Helps prevent and lower high blood pressure.
Best sources: Meat, brewer's yeast, clams, chicken, shellfish.Supplement: (90 mcg. per day is average for adults)


What it does:
1. Helps keep your body limber.
2. Aids digestion by cleansing system.
Best sources: Table salt, kelp, and olives.Supplement: Has not been determined. However, an average daily salt intake should be more than sufficient.


What it does:
1. Strengthens bones.
2. Reduces tooth decay.
Best sources: Fluoridated drinking water, seafood and gelatin.Supplement: Has yet to be determined, but most people get sufficient amounts from fluoridated drinking water.

Note: Available by prescription in areas without fluoridated drinking water. Additional fluoride should not be taken unless advised by a physician. Grow Taller Secrets


What it does:
1. Promotes growth.
2. Provides energy.
3. Burns excess fat.
Best sources: Kelp, salt, all seafood, onions, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil.Supplement: (P.DS, is 80 to 150 mcg. per day for adults)

Note: Iodine aids in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which fosters and regulates growth. Check your salt to see if it is iodized along with your vitamins or multi-mineral preparations. Too much iodine can cause a harmful effect. For additional supplements of iodine not discussed, a physician's advice is recommended.


What it does:
1. Aids growth.
2. Prevents fatigue.
3. Helps form hemoglobin in blood etc.
4. Aid for good skin tone.
Best sources: Liver, beef kidney, egg yolk, oysters, cereals, raw clams, and red meat.Supplement: (RDA is 10 to 18 mg.)
Note: Check your iron supplement to see if it contains "Ferrous Sulfate" an inorganic iron which can destroy vitamin E in your system. Try to avoid this preparation. For women, whose bodies use much more iron than men's, a supplement is mostn likely needed.
10:23 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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This chapter is for those of you who have poor eating habits and are not getting the
proper amounts of vitamins and other nutrients which are essential to the development and
growth of the human body.
Though most of these requirements can be met by adhering to a well-balanced diet, we
have listed for you in this chapter some important information about nutrition you need to know
for the purpose of obtaining extra inches.
First let's understand that there are 6 important nutrients needed for growth and good
health and though all play a vital role in a well-balanced diet, let us focus most of our attention on
3 (marked with asterisk) for our main purposes of promoting growth.
1. Vitamins*
2. Carbohydrates
3. Fats
4. Minerals*
5. Proteins*
6. Water
Vitamins are organic substances necessary for life and essential for growth. To receive
the proper vitamin intake, a well-balanced diet is recommended. However, supplements may be
taken where needed but not as a substitute for food. Supplements should be taken after each
square meal, or once after the largest meal for proper absorption.
Vitamin A (retinol, carotene)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth and strong bones.
2. Aid for healthy skin, hair, teeth and gums.
3. Helps build resistance to infections etc.
Best Sources: Carrots, liver, egg yolk, milk, green and yellow vegetables, margarine, and
yellow fruits.
Supplement: (10,000 to 25,000 IU)
Note: If your diet includes ample amounts of spinach, liver, sweet potatoes, or
cantaloupe, it is not likely you'll need a supplement.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth.
Grow Taller Secrets
2. Aids in prevention of beriberi and nervous disorders.
3. Aids digestion.
4. Helps heart and nervous system function properly.
Best Sources: Pork, rice, whole wheat, dried yeast, peanuts, soybeans, peas and green
Supplement: (100 to 300 mg. are most common).
Note: More effective when used in B-complex formulas.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth and aids in reproduction.
2. Promotes healthy skin, hair, nails.
3. Helps maintain good eyesight etc.
Best Sources: Milk, liver, eggs, fish, kidney, yeast, leafy green vegetables.
Supplement: (100 to 300 mg per day is most common).
Note: Most effective when used in B-complex formulas. Vitamin B2 is a common
deficiency in the United States.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridadne, Pyridixinal)
What it does:
1. Reduces night muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand numbness and certain forms of neuritis.
2. Properly assimilates protein and fat.
3. Works as a natural diuretic etc.
Best Sources: Liver, brewers yeast, cabbage, black strap molasses, canta
loupe, beef and kidney.
Supplements: For best results, take in equal amounts with vitamins B1 and B2.
Note: If taking a B-complex formula, be sure it contains enough B6 to be effective.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalarnin)
What it does:
1. Promotes growth
2. Increases energy
3. Forms and generates red blood cells.
4. Helps balance and concentration.
Best Sources: Cheese, liver, kidney, pork and beef.
Grow Taller Secrets
Supplement: Varies from 5 to 100 mcg. depending on deficiency.
Note: Common deficiencies are noted in vegetarians and high protein consumers.
Vitamin B complex formula should include all the B-complex vitamins so far
discussed plus other important vitamins vital to the growth process. Be sure to
read labels and check with your pharmacist to make sure your formula includes
the proper amounts of each vitamin best suited to your needs.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid, Cevitamin Acid)
What it does:
1. Aids in healthy bones and teeth.
2. Prevents scurvy.
3. Helps treat and prevent common colds.
4. Enables protein cells to hold together.
5. Aids blood vessel circulation.
Best Sources: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, cauliflower, raw cabbage and
Supplement: (1,000 to 10,000 mg. per day)
Note: Plays a primary role in the growth and repair of body tissue cells.
Vitamin D (Calciferal, Viosterol, Ergosterol)
What it does:
1. Essential for strong bones and teeth.
2. Prevents rickets, which deteriorates bones and could cause bowed legs, knock knees and
poor posture.
3. Aids treatment of conjunctivitis.
4. Aids vitamin A.
Best Sources: Milk products, fish liver oil, fish meats and sunlight.
Supplement: (400 to 1000 IU per day)
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
What it does:
1. Supplies oxygen to the body for more endurance.
2. Essential for virility.
3. Helps prevent and destroy blood clots.
Best Sources: Wheat germ, eggs, leafy greens, soy beans, spinach, whole
wheat, and broccoli.
Supplement: (200 to 1000 IU per day)
Grow Taller Secrets
Note: Due to chlorinated drinking water, in a large percentage of the population,
vitamin E may be in great demand.
Vitamin F (Unsaturated Fatty Acids Linoleic and Arachidonic)
What it does:
1. Aids in growth.
2. Helps prevent heart disease.
3. Helps prevent ?cholesterol deposits in arteries.
Best sources: Vegetable oils, walnuts, pecans, and almonds, soybeans,
linseed and sunflower oils.
Supplement: (100 to 150 mg)
Note: For best absorption take with vitamin E. If you consume excessive amounts of
carbohydrates, you will probably need more vitamin F.
Vitamin K (Menadione)
What it does:
1. Aids in proper blood clotting.
2. Helps prevent internal bleeding and hemorrhaging.
Best sources: Egg yolk, yogurt, fish liver oils, soybean, green vegetables and
Supplement: (Approximately 300 mcg. is adequate)
Note: Due to an abundance of natural vitamin K, supplementation is not usually
necessary. See a doctor before taking a supplement.
Important: Proper amounts of vitamins will differ depending on individual characteristics
and diet. Certain dosages may not be suitable for all individuals and could be
detrimental to your health. Please seek advice of a physician when supplementing
with vitamins. All vitamins in this chapter will not be needed however, they are
noted because of their ability to work well in a totally balanced diet.
10:21 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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Many of you are probably wondering, is it really possible for me to be taller? The answer
is yes, you can.
For years it has been said that once you reach the age of puberty or adulthood, you
stopped growing well consider this:
a. In the sport of baseball, a pitcher's throwing arm is usually I to 3 inches longer than his
other arm. This is a direct result of exercise, reached after the age of puberty.
b. The right arm of every professional Jai Alai player is at least 2 inches longer than his left
arm (another result of vigorous exercise.)
c. There are also considerable regional differences of stature recorded at any given age, this
variation being linked more to nutrition and socioeconomic conditions than to genetic
This in itself is positive proof that additional growth in the human body is possible after
adulthood has been reached. There is a multitude of additional medical testimony (which space
does not permit) that substantiates the promise of added height at ages well into the 50's. In fact
most scientist's today agree that it is very possible to increase your height as much as 4 or 5
inches until you reach ages between 50 and 55 years. old. According to some anthropologists,
men and women at 40 years of age are continuing to grow well into their 50's and sometimes until
60 years of age. Of course the amount of actual height gained depends on several factors such as
bone structure, physical condition, posture, diet, environment, etc.
According to an article in the British Medical Journal, an investigation revealed that
growth may be prematurely stopped in the vertebral bodies (spinal chord) by excessive pressure
upon the epiphysial centers (spinal discs). By removing this pressure, which can be done by
following the program in this book, normal growth can be resumed and continued into the middle
ages of life.
10:17 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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Monday, September 25, 2017

A successful effort to grow taller should be a combination of these three most
important factors:

1. Proper Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Sufficient Sleep

So it is imperative for you to learn how to balance all of these three factors. If you put 100% of your effort into exercise, but pay no attention to your nutrition and do not have sufficient sleep, you may only be able to achieve 50% of your actual potential. This is the #1 reason why so many people are frustrated with the results of their efforts in growing taller. They try very hard to grow taller, but the results are always far less than they expect. Most people do not understand that the human growth process consists of a whole complicated set of mechanisms. If even one of those many mechanisms does not work well, the whole process will be set back or even broken down.
10:11 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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15. Side Crunch
The Side Crunch should be the next step in your abs exercise program. There is probably no better exercise to workout the muscles along your rib cage and those at the sides of your abdomen. If these muscles are toned, then the corresponding muscles in your back will also be toned. You can remain on the floor or bench
that you used for the previous two exercises. Lie on your side with your arms holding onto the bench or a
heavy object behind you, bend your knees. In a very controlled manner, bring your knees to your chest and then lower them back to the starting position.Rotate to your other side and then repeat the movement. You should repeat this at least 15 times per side. Remember to limit your movement so that your hip flexors remain still, to increase the resistance and toning on your abs.

10:05 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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14. Leg Raise
The Leg Raise or Hip Up is a great follow up to the Lower Ab Crunch as you do your get taller exercises. It will further strengthen your lower back as it tones the muscles in your abdomen.While this is a rather uncomplicated exercise, you will quickly feel how effective it is at working out your abdominal and lower back muscles.You can remain on the floor or bench where you just performed the crunching exercise.
Extend your legs up so that they are perpendicular to your body. Then raise your hips about 3 to 5 inches off
the ground by pushing up with yourlower abs. Your feet should always remain straight while you are lifting.
Gently lower your hips back to the starting position and then repeat at least 15 times.

10:03 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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13. Lower Ab Crunch
The Lower Ab Crunch focuses on your lower abdominal muscles. It also helps give you better posture in your lower back by strengthening those muscles.This exercise is a great starting block for an abdominal exercise program aimed at getting taller. You can do this exercise on the floor or on a bench. Lie down flat
on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle. Contract your lower abdominal muscles so that your knees are drawn to your chest in a controlled manner. Then, slowly bring your legs back down. Repeat this process for at least 15 times, making sure that you pull your legs with your lower abdominal muscles
each time. Make sure your hip flexor has no to minimal movement throughout the exercise.

10:01 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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Ab Exercises
Strong abdominal muscles help you get taller in two ways. First, it is known that the strength of your abdominal muscles directly corresponds to the strength of the muscles in your lower back. These lower back muscles are critical to good posture. It they are weak, and your abs are weak, you will have poor posture which can actually decrease your  height. Also, strong lower back muscles help your spine stay flexible which is a key to growth.Second, working out your abdominal muscles helps you shed extra weight in your abdomen that normally pulls on your back and increases poor posture. In this article, we will focus on three exercises that target your lower and middle abdominal muscles. It is important that these exercises be incorporated into a larger abs program so that all of your abdominal muscles are strengthened.
9:59 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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12. The Cobra
This next exercise, called the Cobra or Bhujangasana, is a two stage exercise that stretches your spine but also tones the essential support muscles in your back and arms. In the first stage of this exercise, lay on your stomach with your legs together. Your arms should be close to your sides and your hands by your chest.Slowly arch your back so that you head and chest are raised as high as they will go, with your heart and chest pushed outward. Make sure to keep your buttock muscles tense to protect your lower back.Take several deep breaths and then gently lower yourself back into your starting position.You should repeat this step as much as you need to prepare for the next stage. In the next stage, do this movement again but when your head reaches its peak height raise yourself up onto your arms which will increase the stretching in your back.You should stretch as far as you can without discomfort, but make sure you keep your pelvis on the floor.Once again, take several deep breaths and then slowly come back down to your starting position before repeating the movement.

9:57 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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11. Backward Bend

The Backward Bend, also known as the Roll Over Stretch, is one of the better exercises to become taller. This exercise forces your spine to reach a maximum curvature which frees the cartilage to begin thickening and helping you become taller fast.To begin this move, find a firm surface and lay flat on yourback with your arms extended towards your feet and palms on the floor.Keep your feet together as you raise your legs over your head. Your goal is to have your toes touch the floor behind your head.Push off the floor with your palms to give you the power to lift your legs over your head and raise your hips off the floor.You may not be able to touch the floor at first, but you should work toward that goal without over-exerting yourself. After your toes touch the ground, or have reached as far as possible, then bring your legs back to your starting position in
a gentle, controlled manner.You should repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

9:53 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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10. Double Forward Bend
The Double Forward Bend puts resistance on both your back and your hamstrings. This pressure pulls your spine, which stretches your entire spinal column and accelerates decompression which is how to become taller naturally. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your hands on your hips. Stretch your arms out in front of you and bend forward as you try to touch your toes. Although you may not be able to touch your toes at first, doing this stretch regularly will make your body more flexible and you will soon find that you can easily grab your toes.This increased flexibility is a major step to becoming taller. You will want to repeat this move 5 times using both hands. Next, spread your feet apart a few inches
and then stretch by alternating one hand at a time, touching your right foot with your left hand and your left foot with your right hand. You should also repeat this stretch with each hand at least 5 times.

8:52 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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9. Head to Knee
Keeping your spine straight while exercising is one of the best ways to increase height. Also, remember to breathe deeply and fluidly throughout your maneuvers because it will also help decompress your spine. Begin this exercise by sitting on the floor with your legs fully extended in front of you. Bend one leg by pulling your heel as close to your body as possible, in a “P” shape, but keeping your buttocks planted on the floor.You should rotate your body so that you are facing the extended leg and raise your arms over your head while you inhale. Keep your back straight as you bend forward slowly and exhale. Do not bend at your hips, but by rolling forward on your buttocks. Tense your thigh muscles as you bend, this will release the hamstring and promote better flexibility. At the end of your forward momentum, gently lower your arms to grab your foot and pull forward. Then, pull your opposite leg into the “P” shape and extend the leg that was previously bent. Repeat the exercise for the opposite side of your body. Keep your pace slow and breathe deeply throughout the exercise to fully stretch out your spine.

8:51 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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8. Downward Facing Dog
Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, this yoga-based maneuver is one of the great ways to increase height through stretching and increase your body’s flexibility. You will want to begin this exercise by getting down on your hands and knees. Your legs should be shoulder width apart and your fingers straight forward.
Position your elbows so that your inner arm is pointing away from you. Take a deep breath and curl your toes as if you were trying to stand on your toes. Then straighten your legs as you exhale and push your arms upward. Ideally, you want to push so that your spine is lengthening. Make sure your legs stay straight and
your feet firmly on the floor. If you need to bend your legs at first, that is okay. However, you will want to
stretch yourself further and further each time until your legs stay straight. Also, keep your shoulders flat and distribute your weight evenly to add the resistance on your spine. You should remain in that position for several deep breaths and then repeat the entire movement several more times

8:48 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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7.Standing Forward Bend
This is a very simple, but effective, exercise. It is a great way to relax and decompress your spine. Also, it
stretches your calves, hamstrings, hips, neck, and all of your back support. To begin this exercise, stand with your feet approximately 18 inches apart and your palms on the back of your thighs. Then slide your hands down along the side of your legs without bending your knees. Try to slide as far as possible, as you bend over make sure your hands stay firmly on your legs. As you bend you will find the resistance increase in your knees, but do not bend them.Another variation is to slowly run your palms down the back of your legs, forcing you to arch backwards.

8:46 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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6. Dog and Cat
The Dog and Cat movements are very popular exercises because they extend your spine fully in two different directions. This extension will stretch every cartilage disc in your spinal column. While these are typically two separate movements, we are combining them together so that your body can get the maximum flexibility and height gain. You will begin the exercise on your hands and knees with your hands slightly ahead of your shoulders and knees hip width apart. Inhale and tilt your pelvis up and curve your spine so that your stomach drops towards the ground and your head is up. Fully stretch your body, but gently, and then move into the cat position by reversing the curve of your spine. You should finish with your pelvis down and chest and stomach in. Move your body through this movement fluidly, repeating the full cycle many times.

8:43 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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5. Trikonasana
Also called the Triangle, is the second yoga exercise we will discuss. This is slightly more advanced than the Sukhasana. It will help improve your balance and therefore help you have good posture. Also, it is a very
good exercise to use if you want to center yourself and relieve tension.To begin, stand up with your legs about 3 to 4 feet apart and your feet parallel to one another.Then, rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left
and your right foot 45 degrees inward. Inhale and raise your arms to the side so that they are level and parallel to the floor. Exhale and turn your head to face down the length of your left arm and check that your
left knee is lined up with your left ankle. Take one deep breath and then stretch towards your left ankle while you tilt your left hip down.Once you have reached your maximum stretch, rotate your arms so that your
left hand can now rest against the inside of your calf and your right arm points towards the ceiling.
Turn your head so that you are looking in the direction of your right arm and take several deep breaths. Then, inhale and straighten your body followed by an exhale as you lower your arms to your hips.
Pivot on your heels and face forward once more. Then, repeat this movement on the right side of your body.

8:41 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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4. Sukhasana

The first exercise is called the Sukhasana and it is the “centered” position from which all other yoga moves originate. It is important that you learn this position because it will help you control yourbreathing and make you better aware of your body. Furthermore, it tones your lower back and hips, helping the cartilage in those
areas to decompress. You will want to sit on the floor in a crosslegged position, your hands resting on
your knees. Focus on controlling your breathing so that it is deep and at an even pace. Keep your spine perfectly aligned and push your buttocks to the floor and gently lower your knees. Take several, at least 5, deep breaths and then inhale as you raise your arms upward and over your head. Bring your arms down gently and steadily, exhaling as you do, and then repeat this entire move 5 to 7 times more

8:39 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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3. Pelvic Shift
This exercise is a favourite of fitness instructors all over. It is simple, but you will quickly feel the stretching that occurs up and down your spine and in your hips. You will want to begin the exercise by lying on your back with your shoulders and arms planted firmly on the floor.Bend your knees and draw your feet as close to your buttock as you can. Next, arch your back so that your pelvis thrusts upward.Hold this position for at least 20 seconds and try to work up to holding Hold this position for at least 20 seconds and try to work up to holding it for 30 seconds. As you repeat this move, you should feel more and more stretching in your front hips.

8:36 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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2. Dry Land Swim
Also known as the Alternate Leg Kick, this exercise focuses on your lower back.You will want to start this exercise by laying down flat on your stomach with your body fully extended.Put your arms straight out in front of you with your palms toward the floor. Raise your left arm higher than your right arm.Then, keep your legs straight and lift your right leg off the ground as far as you can.Try to hold that position for at least 4 seconds before gently lowering your leg and raising the other leg. Your goal should be to work up to holding the position for 20 seconds. Also, adding wrist and ankle weights to your workout will increase
resistance and tone your lower back muscles even more.

8:34 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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 1. Hanging

One of the biggest obstacles to growing taller is gravity. You spend most of your
day in an upright, vertical position. All day long gravity compresses your spine and
joints, which squeezes and thins the cartilage and makes you shorter.
However, it is easy to counteract this affect
through a simple hanging exercise because
it lets the weight of your lower torso stretchyour spine and reduce the tension between
your vertebrae. In fact, hanging has been
known to increase a person’s height by one to
two inches.
You will want to have a horizontal bar that
is high enough so that your body can fully
extend. If your body cannot fully extend, then
bend your knees slightly until you hang freely.
When you grasp the bar, make sure your palms
are facing away from you and your thumbs are
almost touching.
While you are hanging, try to keep your arms,
shoulders, and hips are relaxed as possible. This helps gravity pull on your body
even further. Try to hang for at least 20 seconds and repeat the process when you
are able to grip the bar again.
You should also repeat this exercise a minimum of three times. Also, if you wear
ankle weights while hanging you will get an increased benefit.

8:30 AM No comments » by srilankababa
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Our society places a great deal of importance on height. If you are of a smaller stature,
you have undoubtedly felt that you have an unfair disadvantage.
However, you have the ability to overcome this challenge and make your body grow.
While there are always artificial means, you have probably wondered how to increase
height naturally.
The answer is a good exercise regiment, especially one that includes a stretching program
designed to increase height. It is important that your exercises focus on the parts of your
body that have the most potential to grow.
Your back is quite literally the foundation on which your body is built. Your back, more
specifically your spinal column, allows you to hold yourself upright and supports all of
your activity.
Your back is a complex structure that makes up for a substantial portion of your overall
height. Therefore, the health of your back and spine can have the most impact on your
current and potential height.
Your spine basically consists of three components.
Your vertebrae are the 33 sections of bone in your
spine. Your vertebrae essentially stop growing after
adolescence, so it is important that we focus on thetwo other components of your spine, the muscles
and cartilage, which have the most potential to
In between your vertebrae are intervertebral discs
made of cartilage that act as shock absorbers for
the vertebrae and gives your spine flexibility. Your
activity and tension during the day can grind down
the cartilage, squeezing nutrients out of the discs
and compressing them.
On the other hand, when you stretch out your
spine you give your cartilage the opportunity to
soak up fluid from your system and thicken. This
thickening makes you taller.
So an average person, no matter what height he or she is, has the potential to be 2-3
inches taller.
muscles in your back maintain your posture, the curve of your spine, and support
movement. If your back muscles are weak it can lead to poor posture.
If you have poor posture that you are greatly hurting your efforts to become taller. First,
people with poor posture normally appear several inches shorter than they actually are.
Secondly, poor posture puts more pressure on your spine’s cartilage and compresses the
intervertebral discs.
If you want to know how to become taller naturally, then you must learn how to exercise
your back so that it prevents this compression and promotes good posture.
The muscles that support your spine must
be strengthened to resist the daily strain
which compresses your spine. Also, your
spine itself must be stretched to the full
extent to make it more flexible which
accelerates the regeneration and
thickening of the cartilage.
Another important point is that when
you exercise, your body releases Human
Growth Hormone, or HGH, into your
This is the complex hormone that triggers your bones, muscles, and tissue to increase
in size. The better your workout, the more HGH will be in your system.
Furthermore, exercise strengthens your body to support it as the cartilage lengthens.
Although most workouts will help your body grow in some way, stretching exercises are
one of the most effective and natural ways to increase height.
Stretching is an efficient way to exercise because it focuses on the parts of your body
that you want to grow. The bulk of your height comes from your spine and legs.
On the other hand, not stretching stunts your growth because it weakens your cartilage
and reduces the flexibility needed to grow.
It is very important that you develop a solid stretching routine. This means you have
must discipline yourself to stretch regularly. You must also stretch long enough so that
your workout is effective.
This mini-guide will now explain 15 exercises which will help reduce the compression of
your invertebral discs thereby making you taller.
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